Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NWORD THINKERS: Chris Kernich, Katherine Rosen, Christopher David Jones, Justin Winemiller & Scott Hawkins? New Swine Flu?

Don't worry America, I'm on the case. Today's racism: whites (apparently) caught thinking the word "nigger." I'm pulling my goatee and in a deepened state of contemplation - far more deeper than the one I'm usually in. It's because I've yet to hear a white man call me nigger with in his thoughts. But, according to the fleet of Underprivileged Media blogs, the black on white violence that recently affected the lives of these five people: Chris Kernich, Katherine Rosen, Christopher David Jones, Justin Winemiller & Scott Hawkins is a result of them doing it, thinking nigger.

(Left) UglyAmerica's racist portrayal of accused NWORD thinker UCLA student Katherine Rosen getting her throat cut by classmate Damon Thompson.

I'm certain there's a link between NWORD thinkers and the Swine Flu. But I haven't been a been able to figure it out in full, yet. But, the emergence of NWORD thinkers or, rather, the new claim by some fellow blacks that they are hearing the thoughts of whites, came into being at about the same time emergence of the Swine Flu. Coincidence or not?

After talking to some of my New Age Muslim contacts, what I am able to ascertain, this morning, is that blacks who now assert they are hearing the thoughts of whites claim it is a result of the positive affect increased UV light in our atmosphere is having on us and, conversely, the negative affect it is having on Caucasians.

In a disturbingly display of unabashed racial preference, one contact described the mind of the Caucasian as having a kind of racist Tourette's Syndrome that, because of generations of race hate, is not able to control constantly thinking the word "nigger."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holocaust Party & Race War in Garden of Eden Reveal Ancient Exterminate the White Race Conspriacy Between Lucifer & Obama Against Adam, Eve & Incogman


Here’s the tricky part: How to instigate the whole shebang. What fuse to light? Well, for one thing, a “racist” White plot ostensibly belonging to the Jew-owned White patriot group attempting to assassinate Obama could easily do it. Once Obama has totally destroyed the US financially, he would have one last prime role to play in the Globalist’s plans: Victimhood.

But it’s not necessary in taking Obama out to start a race war. They could commit some heinous crime on a young black couple, framing it to look like evil White racists did it and then broadcast the story 24/7. Meanwhile, race hucksters like reverend Al Sharpton will be employed to raise cain and foment Negroes into taking “street justice.”

Massacres of Whites would happen all across the nation as the Negroes go berserk, rioting and looking for payback against any White. Whites merely wishing to survive would have to gang-up for protection and these enclaves of Whites will be forced into warfare merely to stave off pure murder.(Link)


Additionally, for race war enthusiasts, I found declaration asserting that the devil actually lost the war and weren't even aware it actually happened. It's unclear, though, if the devil lost the race war because the the savages' victory in the 2008 Presidentional Election or because Barack Obama, the victor in that election, isn't human. Below, Sreggin Retah argues against Obama's humanity:

“Obama’s ability to present himself as “human” is no different than the craftiness & subtlety Lucifer used to persuade Eve to eat of the apple. If you study them, Lucifer & Obama have many things in common. For example, they are both black, bisexual and hate both humanity and God. In all frankness, Barack Hussein Obama may be the craftiest black male on earth since Lucifer himself.” (Link)


If Obama really is Lucifer, it finally explains the mystery of his birth certificate and legitimizes the Birthers' arguement that he's not a natural born citizen. The fifteen students at Lincoln University who held the Holocaust part, last weekend, may have valuable insights into the controversy others have overlooked:

Lincoln University near Christchurch has reprimanded 15 students who dressed as Nazis and concentration camp inmates for a party, with penalties including visiting a Holocaust Museum and paying a $200 fine. (Link)
I'm sure we'll hear more about Obama's tail when his grandmother's diaries are discovered.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Silvanus Shannon & Darrion Albert: Black On Black Crime of The Year? Letalvis Beats Death Black On White Crime Victory of Year?

Today's racism is going somewhere, I promise. I know that, many times, I've made you that promise before; and today I promise to bring you nothing less.

Admittedly, I should have been no more surprised and outraged at discovering the promotion of a Black On Black (BOB) Crime of the Year standings than when I first learned of the Sexiest & Hardest Ghetto Black Male Felon Bragging Rights competition (Link), but (I think) I actually was.

From all accounts, nineteen year old Shannon’s primitive looks finally paid off well and he really let his inner beast go. I think for any of us who witnessed this it looked just like what we’ve come to expect from black America. They were just like a bunch of savage animals. Is there more proof needed that they all belong in a cage? It’s gonna take a SERIOUS BOB Crime to out do this. But I’m confident they can do it.
If you’d like to submit a BOB Crime for the BOB Crime of They Year, submit it here. It’s already late in the year and I’m just getting started with this. So, there’s a lot of catching up to do.

SEE: Obama’s Hometown a Cesspool of Black Youth Violence - Obama’s Hometown a Cesspool of Black Youth Violence: Is this the new America? By Ralph Iver Tonight’s news show a video where thirty-some teens of two rival gangs beat high school honor student to death. (The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD)

While I'm not willing to actually make the above statement without an "I think" clause to excuse the obvious prejudice I'd be accused of if I admitted it, the "I think" isn't there to mask the fact that I'm black and could have a potential prejudice that secretly champions the latter competition (because it's black on white) and am appalled by the former because, well, someone has the audacity to actually champion a yearly rating for Black On Black Crime "standings."

As opposed to an obvious way out of admitting I have a bias, I present the "I think" as a genuine qualifier that means nothing outside of the truth of what it suggests.

For, to lean toward one simply based on my own race would be a discrimination that I simply wouldn't be able to digest.


Alleged New Black Disease Dubbed Pants on Fire by CDC Contracted by Narcissists, Justin Winemiller, Whiggers & White Girls Seeking Black Rape

#1. PANTS ON FIRE: According to BlackMaleFelon: "After adamant denials by the 17 year old Cleveland teen, Justin Winemiller, who claimed the attack on him by, reportedly, up to 20 black males was unprovoked, the high school student has apparently unleashed a vile “nigger word tirade” in the comments on this very site.(Link)


"Typically the type of whigger that gets the attention of White Nationalists is the young White guy who wears his low-hanging pants below the mid-point of his rump, wears his cap backwards, and bebops to rap playing out of his ghetto blaster on his shoulder," by jeremymiller (Stormfront)

#3. NEW BLACK DISEASE: CDC Report Shows Dangers of Black Males

Based on a 96 page report on the causes of premature death by the CDC, the leading cause of death among young blacks of both sexes appears to be black men. AIDS. According to the CDC, black men are ten times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV or AIDS than white men. Among black men who allege that they have never engaged in a homosexual act, the figure rises to about 15 times the rate that heterosexual white men are diagnosed. Studies by the CDC also conclude that black men are more likely to have HIV or AIDS and go undiagnosed than white men. (David Duke, link)


Sexy White Girl Admits Excitement Over Being Robbed, Raped, Sodomized & Killed by “Niggas” (Link)

Today's racism has me a little confused and leaves me with more questions than answers. Is Justin Winemiller a NWORD offender? Worse are white parents (Justin's mother is pictured above) teaching their kids to be bigots at home & politically correct when in public? What is this new movement of "whiggers" hoping to accomplish? Is the CDC's latest report on us (black men) the warning that we are a new disease? And, finally, do white women want to be raped and killed by us or just be raped and contract AIDS from us?


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hitler Liked Iced Coffee, Fond of Vanilla Latte

Iced coffee contains too many caloriesSun, 02 Aug 2009 17:56:29 GMT The iced coffees sold by some popular chains contain as many calories as evening meal, placing regular consumers at an increased risk of obesity and cancer. (Author revision and link)

It's no wonder white racism's gone to hell. When aspiring racists can be concerned with such esoteric things as how many calories iced coffee contains, the reason for its nosedive and floundering philosophies is apparent: white racism's gotten away from it's core values! Below, a Stormfront member vows to never give up iced coffee no matter what!
I'll never give up iced coffee! I just perfected my own vanilla iced latte
at home.. there's no going back now. (Link)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

2009 ANTI SEMITIC SCREED OF YEAR GOES TO INCOGMAN: Jews ain't White... a mongrelized Eastern European race w/ a smattering of real Middle East genes

You're gonna be impressed with this one.

And Jews are not White. Oh, sure, they may look White, but they think of themselves as a superior race apart, alright. They’ll use the looking White business to fool the Goyim, like Kilmeade, but if it helps them to look like a downtrodden non-White minority — like to establish street cred with the homies — they’ll go that route too. What they really are, is a mongrelized Eastern European race of Turkish asiatic (Khazar), with some White genetics (like the Slavs), and only a smattering of real middle eastern genes. The Palestinians have more ancient Israelite DNA than they do!(Link)

Here's a comment Incogman left to me on my Wordpress version of this blog, RacismsPicks. Incogman Says: 

Howdy Negro! Mighty impressive “About” photo ya got there, African. You Negroes love a nice suit of threads, huh? Nothing like a Negro in a suit to say “Ahs so well cordnated, ahs gots to be one smart Africanus American!” Yes, indeedy. (Link)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

True or false: you can make any organization better by getting lots of Mexicans to join it

Today's racism is going somewhere, I promise (TRIGSIP)

I know I TRIGSIP frequently, but after reviewing The Red Skull's, of the Vanguard News Network)  comments I've never been more convinced that we're going to get where racism's taking us.  After you review it, you'll agree: 
The Red Skull Says: 10 June, 2009 at 10:49 pm
A big part of the problem with Scouting nowadays,other than the homos wanting to get in to be “leaders”,is that THE PARENTS of these kids don’t want to PARTICIPATE like they should.”Babysitters of America” is what a friend of mine called it.He should know,he has been an Assistant Scout Master of his troop for years.The PARENTS just want to drop little johnny off and let the scouts deal with him for a couple hours.Even worse,scouting has become somewhat “pussyfied” like our country,and you can’t discipline the kids like our old Scoutmaster would square us away when we acted like punks.Old Hug ran our troop like a military unit with rewards for success,and punishments for failure ranging from mental to physical.Sometimes,it downright sucked,the hell we went thru,but it made us better Scouts,and ultimately-better Men.Scouting has no choice now but to turn to the Muds.Even they will benefit from the Tenants of Scouting.Scouting also counts on the help of the Churches to survive and thrive,and the Churches are also dropping the ball and not being as suppotive of the Scouts as they should.Just like everything else in our Society,Scouting is suffering from the malaise afflicting us,the general loss of “morality”,and the ME!ME!ME! type of jew-thinking.Scouting PREPARES young boys to become MEN

We're here! I told you'd we'd get here!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who's Your Lonewolf of the Year: Scott Roeder, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, James W. von Brunn or...?

Though we've already passed the halfway point for 2009, I'm thinking it's still a bit early to announce my 2009 Lonewolf of the Year pick.

Concerning the surge in extremist fanaticism by white men, Salon columnist Joan Walsh says the uptick is the result of them having their rights abridged by the Obama administration:

The range of crazy ideas about Obama is broad and wide: He's a secret Muslim, he's going to take our guns, he's even the AntiChrist! James von Brunn just happened to be a "birther," one of the nuts who believes Obama wasn't born here, his birth certificate is fake and he thus isn't eligible to be president. Then came Rush Limbaugh with his sexual fears about having to "bend over and grab the ankles" for a black president. Soon Limbaugh was saying he hoped Obama fails; last week he said Obama was more dangerous to our country than al Qaida, our terrorist enemy who have killed thousands of Americans. Could that conceivably inflame someone marginal and isolated to act against a president who's more dangerous than terrorists?


The Muslim convert accused of killing a soldier outside an Army recruiting center said Wednesday he is not aware of any similar attacks planned against the military on American soil.

Abdulhakim Muhammad of Little Rock told The Associated Press that FBI agents visited him in the Pulaski County Jail and asked if other attacks were planned. Muhammad said he told the agents that he wasn't aware of any specific plans.

However, he warned of danger ahead.
"I don't know anything that's in the works," Muhammad said in a collect telephone call from the jail. "We're not going to turn the other cheek. It's definitely not the end of it."
Muhammad called the AP to follow up on a Tuesday phone call that ended when a guard said it was time to return to his cell. Wednesday's call also ended abruptly. (Link)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"We Have the Right to Hate Jews!" Conservative American Christian Army Proclaim Rights; "Right after we kill our wives & children we'll come for you!"

We have the right to hate Jews!

My narrow interpretation of David Duke's support of minister Ted Pike's Kill the ADL's Hate Bill will certainly cast him in the pall of being a racist; and, I don't want to do that. Nonetheless, I'm excited by (what I call) Conservative American Christians' right to hate Jews. I've pasted a little about Rev. Pike below. Here, you can learn more about him.

Rev. Ted Pike: American Christians Have the Biblical Right to Hate JEWS!Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

Rev. Pike is also the primary national opponent to federal hate crimes legislation, proposed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.

"In the tradition of Christ and the Hebrew prophets, Rev. Pike is an outspoken critic of ADL's evil Jewish leadership. Yet his Biblical balance, upholding God's long-term destiny for redemp-tion of a Jewish remnant at the Second Coming of Christ, commends Rev. Pike's message to listeners. Although he has spoken to many millions, he continues to receive relatively little criticism from either Christians or Jews. On the contrary, countless listeners are deeply appreciative of his timely warnings against hate laws and his exposure of those who have
created them."

Does anybody know whether suspected wife and child killer Christopher Coleman was in the New Conservative Christian American army and whether or not killing your wife & child is a prerequisite for premium membership? I think the dubious pseudoracist publisher over at UnderprivilegedJournalism think it is. Click here for the full experience; or, see my JPG-jacking below.

(LINK:) Another Normal White Mass Murderer Fulfills Calling: Christopher Coleman Strangles “Beautiful” Wife & Children

Today's racism has the two main elements all critics enjoy: hate & stereotypes.
I'm giving it an A+!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If Boehner's the Green Goblin, Is Obama Spiderman & Can He Defeat Evil New GOP Superhero Dr. Euronose Steele & beat Jesus' Nuclear Weapons Chutzpah?

I feel sorry for John Boehner. Apparently, he's under an intense Yakub Muslim Melanoma Campaign.

Earlier in the month, I traced the Melanoma Execution of Popeye's Fried Chicken owner Al Copeland to the doorstep of suspect Yakub Muslim Byron Crawford.

Illegitimate Regime's Nuclear Weapon Stockpile made possible by the United States of America's Republicans and DemocratsApparently, among the radical, anti white worshipers of the sun worship sect and because of his green eyes, Boehner's acquired the nickname, the Green Goblin.

In critiquing this racist blast, I retouched their graphic to include Obama dunking on Spiderman and ask the obvious question: if Boehner's the Green Goblin, does that make Obama the Spiderman? But, I also added GOP's Michael Steel in the background. The image is a little scrunched up, but if you click on it, you can see Obama slamming it in Spiderman's face.

Yesterday, I blogged on GOP chairman Michael Steele's admission that (regrettably) he picked a white doll to a black one in the 1960's Brown VS Board of Education "Doll Tests," his racial selfhatred for his "white" nose and how the black kids in school teased him by calling him Dr. Euronose.

Despite him being a member of a political party whose foundation I believe is inherently corrupt, I still blogged of Steele as being one of my favorite whites.

But did you see his speech today? He gave another bad one. Full of aged cliches and repititions, it was horrible! An excerpt's pasted below:

The second turning point for our party is this: We are going to take the
president head-on. The honeymoon is over. The two-party system is making a comeback, and that comeback starts today. (Link)

Despite the speech, and I mean it sincerely, he's still one of my favorite whites.

I'm very fond of Socrates' blast on "White Jesus'" Chutzpah or what he calls Jewish arrogance. Now don't take that to mean I don't like the Jews. Since David Duke's arrest for Czech Republic for denying the Holocaust, in fear of the day when the Czech police will rule the world, I modifying the making comments on Israel policy. Though I would never say anything against Israel, anyway - and never have, below, Socrates thrashes the illigitimate regime's hypocrisy on Iran's right to have nuclear weapons. Albeit, I wonder how he'd feel if it was black Americans who wanted our own stockpile of nukes.

Mystic1984 has an thorough (and exceptional) line by line of David Duke's arrest and release in the Czech Republic for Holocaust denial. Updates (updated news from various Czech sources). Being arrested for Holocaust denial is frightening. Byron Crawford (BC) might want to take his Boycott Israel banner down.

Hmm, let me think about that. BC has a Boycott Israel banner & David Duke got arrested. While it made me think of the old Arabian proverb: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I had to catch myself and remember we're all a bunch of enemies in this mother fucker.

A little more of Duke's arrest by & a quote by white nationalist Incogman's posted below:

04-24-2009 05:45 PM CET
David Duke was imprisoned in Prague in restaurant Cerny orel, right when he was giving interview to Czech newspaper. Duke was on tour to promote Czech edition of My awakening.
30 policemen from special „Anti-extremist police unit“ with masks attacked the restaurant and imprisoned Dr. Duke. He had apprx. 10 bodyguards from Czech pro-white activists, but police prevailed. David Duke is charged from holocaust denial and facing up to 3 years of prison.


04-25-2009 09:04 AM CET
Speaker of Prague police Jan Mikulovsky told CTK (Czech Press Agency) that Duke was released this night. Mikulovsky explained that state prosecutor did not propose custody because penalty of crime, for which police accused Mr. Duke is low.

New article in english:

Finally Jesus' Chutzpah!

Wiki on Chutzpah: In Hebrew, chutzpah is used indignantly, to describe someone who has over-stepped the boundaries of accepted behavior with no shame.

More Chutzpah -
Jewish arrogance is always amazing no matter how many times you’ve seen it. Israel has probably hundreds of sophisticated nuclear weapons (few people know the exact amount), yet if a Muslim country even thinks about acquiring some type of nuclear device/capability, Israel then claims the “right” to attack it. (Trivia: almost every conflict in the Middle East was started by the Jews): [Article]. Posted by Socrates

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do you talk about Asians when Elvis leaves the building angry b/c Channon Christian didn't get raped badder than Les Sarnoff's ELECTROFUNKFUKATION

Today's racism is going somewhere! I promise!

Do you like making fun of Asian people? The first link's to ByronCrawford. The 2nd's from Racialicious. You got to love a brother with a Boycott Israel banner. It's the lesser slave mentality thing, in today's Israel bash, I submit. The militarily lopsided attacks of Israel on the Palestinians makes me think the Palestinians must be niggers (guaranteed non gratuitous use of NWORD).

Crawford on Kari Ferrell (Asian): First of all, she wrote a guy a note saying she like to give him a hand job, with her mouth, and she told another guy he could throw a hot dog down her hallway.

I don't know whether I want to masturbate of vomit. Actually, it's neither. But from the contexts I'm seeing it in it applies when something should turn you on but is equally (if not more) as sickening.


Wikipedia says, "Elvis has left the building!" is a phrase that was often used by public address announcers following Elvis Presley concerts to disperse audiences who lingered in hopes of an Elvis encore. Al Dvorin, a concert announcer who traveled with Elvis throughout the performer's career, made the phrase famous when his voice was captured on many recordings of Elvis' performances.

Apparently, Dvorin's voice echoed at the UN's 2nd Conference on Racism: Elvis Has Left the Building: Ahmadinejad’s Rebuke Sends “Greedy, Racist, Western Devils” Walking - Jihad Hassan, Global Black Alliance (GBA)


On the other tip, you're not going to believe this, it appears Channon Christian didn't get what she truly deserved: blackmalefelon!
Letalvis Cobbins: Black Male Felon 2009; New Koran: “Times 7 Return Unto White Satan All He Has Done to Mine.” - Allah; Did Chan & Chris get what they deserved? - Question - according to the word of Allah in the new Koran / Qur’an it is written: “times seven, now is the day to return unto White Satan all he has done.
I'll be assailed for citing the Wikipedia white version of this tale, but consider:
According to the testimony of the Knox County Acting Medical Examiner at the subsequent trial of Eric Boyd, Newsom was repeatedly raped and then blindfolded, gagged, arms and feet bound and his head covered. Barefoot, he was either led or dragged outside the house to a set of nearby railroad tracks. He was shot in the back of the head, the neck, and the back, and his body then set on fire. Christian's death would come only after hours of sexual torture, medical examiner Mileusnic-Polchan testified. Christian suffered horrific injuries to her vagina, anus and mouth. She was not only raped but savaged with "an object," possibly a broken chair leg, the doctor testified. She was beaten in the head. Some type of chemical was poured down her throat, and her body, including her bleeding and battered genital area, likely scrubbed with the same solution - all while Christian was alive, the forensic expert said. She was then "hog-tied," with curtains and strips of bedding, her face covered tightly with a small trash bag and her body stashed inside five large trash bags before being placed inside a large trash can and covered with sheets. Christian died slowly, suffocating, the medical examiner said .[5]
If these tings were actually done by these brothers, in the spirit of the New Koran (I can't find any citings for outside of the original reference) of doing unto white people 7 times what they have done to people of color. What more or worse could have been done to them?


Perhaps Electrofunkfukation! That's what I'm coining the Yakub Muslim melanoma executions. This week, they electrofunkfukated KINK radio personality Les Sarnoff.

"Let us stop this madness! Let us stop this madness!" - Trinidad Sanchez.
(Though Trinidad was talking about guns, we might apply it to other things)

I told you today's racism would get us here! I promised.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Zionists Crash Tea Party w/Richard Poplawski & Shaun Walker MIA to Contagious Melanoma by Brave Somali Pirates who Sodomized Captain Phillips?

Clearly there's not enough hate in the free world. Can the failure of the Right Wing Tea Party to accomplish whatever its mission was be placed on the absence of leading white nationalists Richard Poplawski and Shaun Walker? Were they MIA due to contagious melanoma or because they were watching the Somali pirates rape Captain Richard Phillips?
- Scarborough

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Orlando Police Killer Lovelle Mixon: Hero or Killer; Is Lovelle a Savage Killer Who'll Burn in Hell or an Hero Who'll Receive 72 Virgins in Heaven

[1m2r3c1-b5rn3ng-n2wsn2t-vs-sh3ttyc4-a.JPG] Question: Does whether you see Oakland's Lovelle Mixon as a savage killer took fathers away from their families or a hero who has received 72 "Dark Eyed Virgins" in Heaven depend on race? Answer: See today's blog picks: ShittyCop and NewsNet14. If you're not clear on the 72 Virgins ideology, there's a footnote below.

The contrast between how some extremes in the white and black community view Mixon's actions and fate or destiny is sharp.

In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, some may be familiar with the concept that "fate" is indicative of a negative outcome in the afterlife while "destiny" is indicative of a positive one. following excerpts championing twenty six year old Mixon are appearing on numerous blogs associated with new black reparations movement. In them, Lovette appears to be being presented as a rap star or Hollywood celebrity rather than a man who killed 4 police officers. See comments and graphics belown.

Twenty six year old Lovelle Mixon of Oakland, who was formerly a political prisoner of the State was, reportedly, being pursued by the Oakland Police under an illegal warrant.

“Lovelle’s protest was spectacular - a rare showing of courage & knowledge of God,” an Oakland Black Foot Soldier who allegedly witnessed Lovelle in action during his traffic stop protest.

Lovelle Mixon: four stars, two thumbs up.” - Savannah, Georgia Black Foot Soldier Ebenezer Creek

“In history’s ears he’ll ring." - Houston, Texas Black Foot Soldier Masontae Limbrick

“When I grow up, I want to be: Lovelle Mixon. “ - NOLA, Louisiana Black Foot Soldier Katrina Ahmadinejad
UPDATE: Black Foot Soldiers U rinated on bodies of fallen officers at first shooting and taunted police (reported). “Any N.I.G.G.A. of God would want to have those notches under his belt." - Norfolk , Virginia Black Foot Soldier Anthony “Norfolk” Crawford.
An even starker contrast is their presentation of the four police officers as "racists." See below:
These images and excerpts present a stark contrast to those being presented in mainstream media and, for that matter, even to the extremest views of, say, white nationalist, the answer to obscure question appearing in the left hand corner of this sites masthead asking, "can we all just get along," appears to be "no."


(72 Virgins:) It appears that a popular evolving belief in some sections of the black community espouse that blacks who die in defending themselves from oppression or staging what's becoming popularly known as "reparations protests," like, say, Palestinian suicide bombers, they, too, receive 72 Virgins in Heaven.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

REVEALED: Jew Conspiracy to Flood America with Illegal Aliens, Yakub's MAGLUCIFICATION on Satan's Melanocytes & Micky Rosenfeld's Gestapo

Did you know there is a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) who, according to white nationalist David Duke, are required by their Jewish tradition to seek to undermine American law and sovereignty and allow America to be invaded by a mass immigration of illegal aliens.

What they are explicitly saying, as a national Jewish coalition, is that as Jews, they are required by their Jewish tradition to seek to undermine American law and sovereignty and allow America to be invaded by a mass immigration of illegal aliens.
(See: Jewish leadership’s latest outlandish attack against Americans, American law, and American sovereignty)

(BELOW) More anti Antisemitism? Imagine that: white nationalist and black activists have something in common:

Blacks Against Israel (BAI) Praise “Courageous Palestinian Freedom Fighters” Who “Blew 2 Despicable & Illegitimate Israeli Police Officers to Smithereens in West Bank;” “Our sorrow is the continued sound of Micky Rosenfeld’s voice.” - Harlem Dyse “Israel’s Gestapo Must be Stopped.”

Additionally, here's a great link to some of Micky's most popular quotes, Micky Rosenfeld quotes

My "race pick" of the day, though, is the Yakub Muslim: A Devil’s Melanocytes, Maglucification & Sudden Melanoma Metastasization.
This is because of the new word maglucification.

(From the National Cancer Institute) - Melanoma, a type of cancer that usually begins in the melanocytes (the pigment cells) of the skin, is notoriously resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, leaving few treatment options once the cancer has metastasized.


I can't find a definition for anywhere outside the Yakub Mulsim network but... .

- Scarborough

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

As Pure as the Driven Snow: Henrik Holappa & Michael Kenneth McLendon: On Gangs of African Rapists Sweeping Finland & another atypical Mass Murderer

Ask the author (Henrik Holappa) - My family has served Finland as soldiers for centuries; Holappa is actually a place name in my ancient Scandinavian country. I find myself in America for two reasons: 1) I always wanted to visit this vast and fascinating country, an offshoot of Europe that has changed the whole world; 2) There is no freedom of speech now in Finland, except to discus the weather, and I face 4.5 years in prison if I return to my homeland. I dared from 2005 on to ask publicly why our white, clean, modern, crime-free Scandinavian country needs to let in immigrants from Sudan, Somalia and Turkey who viciously gang-rape white Finnish women. There was no gang rape in Finland for thousands of years before this recent Muslim influx. (Article)

From: Little Boy Blue Go Shoot Your Gun

The gunman who turned a rural stretch of Alabama into a slaughter- house was a “quiet ” guy who was briefly a member of a small town police department.

“Funny how white people describe the normality of their neighbors who grow up to be mass murderers and serial killers,” says Harlem

Publisher's notes:
We use to live in a world where the strong arm of law protected and, for that matter, catered to whites. Indeed, through her blindfold, that non discriminant Lady Liberty was able to, if not see, certainly perceive skin color. What has happened to this great country? Do we now live in an era where there is no white justice or, rather, justice for whites? Yesterday, somebody even told me there was a black president!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jew Tuesday: The Changing Face of Anti Semiticism, the Original Jew, the "Destruction of (Fake) Israel & the Petah Tikva Serial Cat Killer
Over the years, anti-Semitism - which is a reaction to Jewish behavior - has been described as “new” several times - for example, back in 1974 and also in 2003. Significantly, the latest “new anti-Semitism” includes, as its main feature, criticism of the illegitimate state of Israel. That’s interesting, because it lumps political criticism together with racial/ethnic criticism - a seemingly risky move which could alienate a lot of gentiles who simply disagree with some of Israel’s policies:
posted at vanguardnewsnetwork, by Socrates
The Original Jews ...Black
I typed "Original Jews" in Google and this listing came up first. "Of course Scarborough's the only real Jew here, tonight. He just doesn't know it," a professor at St. Mary's University once said around me, one night, while to the company of other speakers who were seated at our table. I'd been invited as a guest speaker. "I wonder why she doesn't think I knew that," having only heard "the: blacks are the true Jews " rumor before, I silently thought.)
The original Jews in Africa 2000 years ago were a Black African people as an ethnic group. (Massey: Egypt Light of the Word p501) Many of them still are Black, in northenrn Africa such as the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. A New York Times editorial (3/2/84) described them as "a lost tribe that has kept it identiy for more than 2,000 years in a remote corner of Africa." Abraham, ancestor of the Hebrews, was from Chaldea; the ancient Chaldeans were Black. In fact, Africa takes it name from Ophren, a son of Abraham by his wife, Keturah (Whiston: The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus p50) Like Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the lineage of Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie also goes back to Judah -through Solomon/Queen of Sheba and King David.

The word Semite is from semi which means half. Half what? Half BLACK! (mulatto!) Semite refers to the descendants of Shem, one of Noah's sons. The word originates from the Latin prefix semi which means half. "half Black and half white... therefore Black (since Black is genetically dominant)" points out Dr. Cress Welsing. Historian Cheikh Anta Diop also points out that the "Semitic" arises in the 4th millennia B.C. from crossbreeding between Black inhabitants of the holy land and white northern invaders. While many Semites (such as Jews & gypsies) have mixed so much with whites that they've forgotten or deny their African roots, racism (white supremacy) will never let them forget this no matter how light-skinned they become, as proved by Hitler, who mandated their destruction because they were classified by whites as "non-white" people originating in Africa. The very word gypsy means "out of Egypt."


“If this is how the Children of God act, what are the Children of the Devil,” Blacks Against Israel spokesman Harlem Dyse condemned, yesterday, from the D.C. Yakub Muslim compound. “Israel is an illegitimate regime that does not have the right to exist and, she, along with her red, white and blue creator, will be destroyed.”

Dyse’s comments come on the heals of Israel’s latest air strikes against the residents in the Gaza strip.

“The first chapter in How to Destroy Israel for Dummies details that in order for Israel to be destroyed, America must be destroyed. More specifically white America must be destroyed.”

publishers comments:

After my daily black/white digest, Jew Tuesday is not only a relief, it's also been exhausting. I don't care to Jew anymore today - even if it's actually about myself.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Ethnic Cleansing in Zimbabwe & Sandra Herod's Beastiality: SAVAGE AFRICANS & NASTY AMERICAN WHITE WOMEN!
Stormfront community member Lusitanopt's angry over the ethnic cleansing of white owned farms in Zimbabwe: " Angry Ethnic cleansing - white-owned farms in Zimbabwe have been invaded."

Though there's no personal commentary provided by the thread starter, the angry faced icon is a tale-tell sign of the mood.

"All the whites in Africa should come live here!," AryanWarlord, a sustaining Stormfront member who joined in 2008, writes in support.

Travis the Chimpanzee's attack of 55 year old Charla Nash or, rather, Charla Nash's offering of herself to Travis to be "raped, mutilated and savagely beaten" by the chimp is the lead article today at UnderprivilegedJournalism: Sandra Herold: Beastiality in the White Community; “They are Returning to their Caucasus Mountains Behavior
According to a recent Glax Haas study 1 in 6 whites have had sex with an animal, 1 in 5 have had sex with a parent, sibling or other family member and the rate of child molestation is “not considered an abnormality.”

publisher's commentary
After I get back from the video store and watch King Kong, inspired by Stormfront, I'm going to read about the "ethnic cleansing in Zimbabwe" and find why these white people's farm's are being seized. Needless to say, my inspiration to see a Godzilla flick is, today, inspired by UnderprivilegedJournalism.

Will Race Destory America? Has Race Destoryed America? Or, Has America Ever Been?

The plethora of extremist racial views that exist in our society should be cause for all to be alarmed. As of last week when new Attorney General Eric Holder called us a Nation of Cowards because of what may be perceived as a national tendency to avoid discussions on race deemed necessary to progress us to, well, America.

"America never was America to me," wrote poet Langston Hughes. The poem, written in 1938 addressed the disenfranchisement blacks, as a result of racism and the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, had experienced. Michelle Obama reiterated this old theme nearly 80 years later when, speaking in Wisconsin last February, she said: (for) the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.

Holder's iteration of this theme, yet again, reminds me of a novel or research paper in which the author subtly reintroduces his main point so that the author doesn't forget it.