Monday, February 23, 2009

Ethnic Cleansing in Zimbabwe & Sandra Herod's Beastiality: SAVAGE AFRICANS & NASTY AMERICAN WHITE WOMEN!
Stormfront community member Lusitanopt's angry over the ethnic cleansing of white owned farms in Zimbabwe: " Angry Ethnic cleansing - white-owned farms in Zimbabwe have been invaded."

Though there's no personal commentary provided by the thread starter, the angry faced icon is a tale-tell sign of the mood.

"All the whites in Africa should come live here!," AryanWarlord, a sustaining Stormfront member who joined in 2008, writes in support.

Travis the Chimpanzee's attack of 55 year old Charla Nash or, rather, Charla Nash's offering of herself to Travis to be "raped, mutilated and savagely beaten" by the chimp is the lead article today at UnderprivilegedJournalism: Sandra Herold: Beastiality in the White Community; “They are Returning to their Caucasus Mountains Behavior
According to a recent Glax Haas study 1 in 6 whites have had sex with an animal, 1 in 5 have had sex with a parent, sibling or other family member and the rate of child molestation is “not considered an abnormality.”

publisher's commentary
After I get back from the video store and watch King Kong, inspired by Stormfront, I'm going to read about the "ethnic cleansing in Zimbabwe" and find why these white people's farm's are being seized. Needless to say, my inspiration to see a Godzilla flick is, today, inspired by UnderprivilegedJournalism.

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