Wednesday, March 18, 2009

As Pure as the Driven Snow: Henrik Holappa & Michael Kenneth McLendon: On Gangs of African Rapists Sweeping Finland & another atypical Mass Murderer

Ask the author (Henrik Holappa) - My family has served Finland as soldiers for centuries; Holappa is actually a place name in my ancient Scandinavian country. I find myself in America for two reasons: 1) I always wanted to visit this vast and fascinating country, an offshoot of Europe that has changed the whole world; 2) There is no freedom of speech now in Finland, except to discus the weather, and I face 4.5 years in prison if I return to my homeland. I dared from 2005 on to ask publicly why our white, clean, modern, crime-free Scandinavian country needs to let in immigrants from Sudan, Somalia and Turkey who viciously gang-rape white Finnish women. There was no gang rape in Finland for thousands of years before this recent Muslim influx. (Article)

From: Little Boy Blue Go Shoot Your Gun

The gunman who turned a rural stretch of Alabama into a slaughter- house was a “quiet ” guy who was briefly a member of a small town police department.

“Funny how white people describe the normality of their neighbors who grow up to be mass murderers and serial killers,” says Harlem

Publisher's notes:
We use to live in a world where the strong arm of law protected and, for that matter, catered to whites. Indeed, through her blindfold, that non discriminant Lady Liberty was able to, if not see, certainly perceive skin color. What has happened to this great country? Do we now live in an era where there is no white justice or, rather, justice for whites? Yesterday, somebody even told me there was a black president!

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