Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who's Your Lonewolf of the Year: Scott Roeder, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, James W. von Brunn or...?

Though we've already passed the halfway point for 2009, I'm thinking it's still a bit early to announce my 2009 Lonewolf of the Year pick.

Concerning the surge in extremist fanaticism by white men, Salon columnist Joan Walsh says the uptick is the result of them having their rights abridged by the Obama administration:

The range of crazy ideas about Obama is broad and wide: He's a secret Muslim, he's going to take our guns, he's even the AntiChrist! James von Brunn just happened to be a "birther," one of the nuts who believes Obama wasn't born here, his birth certificate is fake and he thus isn't eligible to be president. Then came Rush Limbaugh with his sexual fears about having to "bend over and grab the ankles" for a black president. Soon Limbaugh was saying he hoped Obama fails; last week he said Obama was more dangerous to our country than al Qaida, our terrorist enemy who have killed thousands of Americans. Could that conceivably inflame someone marginal and isolated to act against a president who's more dangerous than terrorists?


The Muslim convert accused of killing a soldier outside an Army recruiting center said Wednesday he is not aware of any similar attacks planned against the military on American soil.

Abdulhakim Muhammad of Little Rock told The Associated Press that FBI agents visited him in the Pulaski County Jail and asked if other attacks were planned. Muhammad said he told the agents that he wasn't aware of any specific plans.

However, he warned of danger ahead.
"I don't know anything that's in the works," Muhammad said in a collect telephone call from the jail. "We're not going to turn the other cheek. It's definitely not the end of it."
Muhammad called the AP to follow up on a Tuesday phone call that ended when a guard said it was time to return to his cell. Wednesday's call also ended abruptly. (Link)

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