Monday, September 28, 2009

Silvanus Shannon & Darrion Albert: Black On Black Crime of The Year? Letalvis Beats Death Black On White Crime Victory of Year?

Today's racism is going somewhere, I promise. I know that, many times, I've made you that promise before; and today I promise to bring you nothing less.

Admittedly, I should have been no more surprised and outraged at discovering the promotion of a Black On Black (BOB) Crime of the Year standings than when I first learned of the Sexiest & Hardest Ghetto Black Male Felon Bragging Rights competition (Link), but (I think) I actually was.

From all accounts, nineteen year old Shannon’s primitive looks finally paid off well and he really let his inner beast go. I think for any of us who witnessed this it looked just like what we’ve come to expect from black America. They were just like a bunch of savage animals. Is there more proof needed that they all belong in a cage? It’s gonna take a SERIOUS BOB Crime to out do this. But I’m confident they can do it.
If you’d like to submit a BOB Crime for the BOB Crime of They Year, submit it here. It’s already late in the year and I’m just getting started with this. So, there’s a lot of catching up to do.

SEE: Obama’s Hometown a Cesspool of Black Youth Violence - Obama’s Hometown a Cesspool of Black Youth Violence: Is this the new America? By Ralph Iver Tonight’s news show a video where thirty-some teens of two rival gangs beat high school honor student to death. (The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD)

While I'm not willing to actually make the above statement without an "I think" clause to excuse the obvious prejudice I'd be accused of if I admitted it, the "I think" isn't there to mask the fact that I'm black and could have a potential prejudice that secretly champions the latter competition (because it's black on white) and am appalled by the former because, well, someone has the audacity to actually champion a yearly rating for Black On Black Crime "standings."

As opposed to an obvious way out of admitting I have a bias, I present the "I think" as a genuine qualifier that means nothing outside of the truth of what it suggests.

For, to lean toward one simply based on my own race would be a discrimination that I simply wouldn't be able to digest.


Alleged New Black Disease Dubbed Pants on Fire by CDC Contracted by Narcissists, Justin Winemiller, Whiggers & White Girls Seeking Black Rape

#1. PANTS ON FIRE: According to BlackMaleFelon: "After adamant denials by the 17 year old Cleveland teen, Justin Winemiller, who claimed the attack on him by, reportedly, up to 20 black males was unprovoked, the high school student has apparently unleashed a vile “nigger word tirade” in the comments on this very site.(Link)


"Typically the type of whigger that gets the attention of White Nationalists is the young White guy who wears his low-hanging pants below the mid-point of his rump, wears his cap backwards, and bebops to rap playing out of his ghetto blaster on his shoulder," by jeremymiller (Stormfront)

#3. NEW BLACK DISEASE: CDC Report Shows Dangers of Black Males

Based on a 96 page report on the causes of premature death by the CDC, the leading cause of death among young blacks of both sexes appears to be black men. AIDS. According to the CDC, black men are ten times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV or AIDS than white men. Among black men who allege that they have never engaged in a homosexual act, the figure rises to about 15 times the rate that heterosexual white men are diagnosed. Studies by the CDC also conclude that black men are more likely to have HIV or AIDS and go undiagnosed than white men. (David Duke, link)


Sexy White Girl Admits Excitement Over Being Robbed, Raped, Sodomized & Killed by “Niggas” (Link)

Today's racism has me a little confused and leaves me with more questions than answers. Is Justin Winemiller a NWORD offender? Worse are white parents (Justin's mother is pictured above) teaching their kids to be bigots at home & politically correct when in public? What is this new movement of "whiggers" hoping to accomplish? Is the CDC's latest report on us (black men) the warning that we are a new disease? And, finally, do white women want to be raped and killed by us or just be raped and contract AIDS from us?
