Sunday, March 22, 2009

Orlando Police Killer Lovelle Mixon: Hero or Killer; Is Lovelle a Savage Killer Who'll Burn in Hell or an Hero Who'll Receive 72 Virgins in Heaven

[1m2r3c1-b5rn3ng-n2wsn2t-vs-sh3ttyc4-a.JPG] Question: Does whether you see Oakland's Lovelle Mixon as a savage killer took fathers away from their families or a hero who has received 72 "Dark Eyed Virgins" in Heaven depend on race? Answer: See today's blog picks: ShittyCop and NewsNet14. If you're not clear on the 72 Virgins ideology, there's a footnote below.

The contrast between how some extremes in the white and black community view Mixon's actions and fate or destiny is sharp.

In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, some may be familiar with the concept that "fate" is indicative of a negative outcome in the afterlife while "destiny" is indicative of a positive one. following excerpts championing twenty six year old Mixon are appearing on numerous blogs associated with new black reparations movement. In them, Lovette appears to be being presented as a rap star or Hollywood celebrity rather than a man who killed 4 police officers. See comments and graphics belown.

Twenty six year old Lovelle Mixon of Oakland, who was formerly a political prisoner of the State was, reportedly, being pursued by the Oakland Police under an illegal warrant.

“Lovelle’s protest was spectacular - a rare showing of courage & knowledge of God,” an Oakland Black Foot Soldier who allegedly witnessed Lovelle in action during his traffic stop protest.

Lovelle Mixon: four stars, two thumbs up.” - Savannah, Georgia Black Foot Soldier Ebenezer Creek

“In history’s ears he’ll ring." - Houston, Texas Black Foot Soldier Masontae Limbrick

“When I grow up, I want to be: Lovelle Mixon. “ - NOLA, Louisiana Black Foot Soldier Katrina Ahmadinejad
UPDATE: Black Foot Soldiers U rinated on bodies of fallen officers at first shooting and taunted police (reported). “Any N.I.G.G.A. of God would want to have those notches under his belt." - Norfolk , Virginia Black Foot Soldier Anthony “Norfolk” Crawford.
An even starker contrast is their presentation of the four police officers as "racists." See below:
These images and excerpts present a stark contrast to those being presented in mainstream media and, for that matter, even to the extremest views of, say, white nationalist, the answer to obscure question appearing in the left hand corner of this sites masthead asking, "can we all just get along," appears to be "no."


(72 Virgins:) It appears that a popular evolving belief in some sections of the black community espouse that blacks who die in defending themselves from oppression or staging what's becoming popularly known as "reparations protests," like, say, Palestinian suicide bombers, they, too, receive 72 Virgins in Heaven.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

REVEALED: Jew Conspiracy to Flood America with Illegal Aliens, Yakub's MAGLUCIFICATION on Satan's Melanocytes & Micky Rosenfeld's Gestapo

Did you know there is a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) who, according to white nationalist David Duke, are required by their Jewish tradition to seek to undermine American law and sovereignty and allow America to be invaded by a mass immigration of illegal aliens.

What they are explicitly saying, as a national Jewish coalition, is that as Jews, they are required by their Jewish tradition to seek to undermine American law and sovereignty and allow America to be invaded by a mass immigration of illegal aliens.
(See: Jewish leadership’s latest outlandish attack against Americans, American law, and American sovereignty)

(BELOW) More anti Antisemitism? Imagine that: white nationalist and black activists have something in common:

Blacks Against Israel (BAI) Praise “Courageous Palestinian Freedom Fighters” Who “Blew 2 Despicable & Illegitimate Israeli Police Officers to Smithereens in West Bank;” “Our sorrow is the continued sound of Micky Rosenfeld’s voice.” - Harlem Dyse “Israel’s Gestapo Must be Stopped.”

Additionally, here's a great link to some of Micky's most popular quotes, Micky Rosenfeld quotes

My "race pick" of the day, though, is the Yakub Muslim: A Devil’s Melanocytes, Maglucification & Sudden Melanoma Metastasization.
This is because of the new word maglucification.

(From the National Cancer Institute) - Melanoma, a type of cancer that usually begins in the melanocytes (the pigment cells) of the skin, is notoriously resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, leaving few treatment options once the cancer has metastasized.


I can't find a definition for anywhere outside the Yakub Mulsim network but... .

- Scarborough

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

As Pure as the Driven Snow: Henrik Holappa & Michael Kenneth McLendon: On Gangs of African Rapists Sweeping Finland & another atypical Mass Murderer

Ask the author (Henrik Holappa) - My family has served Finland as soldiers for centuries; Holappa is actually a place name in my ancient Scandinavian country. I find myself in America for two reasons: 1) I always wanted to visit this vast and fascinating country, an offshoot of Europe that has changed the whole world; 2) There is no freedom of speech now in Finland, except to discus the weather, and I face 4.5 years in prison if I return to my homeland. I dared from 2005 on to ask publicly why our white, clean, modern, crime-free Scandinavian country needs to let in immigrants from Sudan, Somalia and Turkey who viciously gang-rape white Finnish women. There was no gang rape in Finland for thousands of years before this recent Muslim influx. (Article)

From: Little Boy Blue Go Shoot Your Gun

The gunman who turned a rural stretch of Alabama into a slaughter- house was a “quiet ” guy who was briefly a member of a small town police department.

“Funny how white people describe the normality of their neighbors who grow up to be mass murderers and serial killers,” says Harlem

Publisher's notes:
We use to live in a world where the strong arm of law protected and, for that matter, catered to whites. Indeed, through her blindfold, that non discriminant Lady Liberty was able to, if not see, certainly perceive skin color. What has happened to this great country? Do we now live in an era where there is no white justice or, rather, justice for whites? Yesterday, somebody even told me there was a black president!