Saturday, September 25, 2010

Help Stop Hatred! Kyser Miree, Harry Miree, Neil Godleski, Jen-nifer Ross, Eve Carson, Stephen Pitcairn, Clayton Malloy Sr. & Channon Christian Did NOT Deserve To Be Killed Because They Were " WHITE, GENERATIONAL REPARATIONS OFFENDERS:" Stop The Hate: It's Time For Responsible & Hard Working Black Americans To Stand Up Against The National Black Foot Soldier Network!

Have you seen the latest campaign by the Black Foot Soldiers calling the senseless killing of 31 year old Catholic University student Neil Godleski "just desserts" because he's a "reparations offender" in Reparations Offender Neil Godleski’s Just Desserts Come Home To Roost?

What about their campaign against 24 year old Kyser Miree, have you seen it? They say Miree, a Vandervilt Magna Cum Laude, came from a family who once owned slaves. The young man was needlessly gunned down in the prime of his life in one of their "reparations protests."

"When the battle is over, we shall wear a crown," is the caption showcasing " their "The Clayton Malloy Sr. Reparations Protest" reads. Malloy, a 59 year old, hard working tow truck driver was gunned down and left to die in the lot behind his building.

It's time for black Americans to take a stand against the Black Foot Soldiers.

Kyser Miree, Harry Miree, Neil Godleski, Jennifer Ross, Eve Carson, Stephen Pitcairn, Channon Christian Did NOT Deserve To Be Killed Because They Were "REPARATIONS OFFENDERS:" Stop The Hate: It's Time For Responsible & Hard Working Black Americans To Stand Up Against The National Black Foot Soldier Network!

I'll be blogging about this more extensively in the near future. So you can say, "yikes, another blog war" now.